Forever Marathon – Singapore Red Cross’ app that will turn daily life into a charity marathons.
The app integrates with the Health app to read the distance covered by the users, and calculate that into a charity run. Turning your daily commuting into a fitness activity for good.
To raise funds for Red Cross’ TransportAid, a program that helps elder and disabled people from low-income homes get to and from their healthcare facilities and day activity centres, the first digital marathon was born.
A marathon that starts once the app is downloaded and will go for as long as the user is willing to participate in the marathon, hence the name forever marathon.
Every 5 Km the user will be congratulated for their progress and prompt to watch a commercial in order to progress in the rankings. The profit from the mobile advertising will go to the Red Cross.
What better way to raise funds for a mobility program then putting people to move?
Forever Marathon - You move. They move.